Ideas on tap
The Creative Process Demystified
Offered as: Full-day session
The truth is – we are all born creative. For most of us though, creativity has been systematically discouraged since the day after kindergarten ended. This workshop rekindles the joy of creativity and delivers a step by step process that capitalizes on our innate ability as humans to be creative problem solvers.
What you'll learn:
• A clear and concise guide to the 5 steps of the creative process
• The ability to generate unlimited high quality ideas
• Collaboration and team building skills
Offered as: Full-day session
Let's face's more important than ever for teams to have a cultural mindset that is purposefully designed to consistently generate effective results – like a farm. This hands-on workshop teaches teams how to work best together and take maximum advantage of a repeatable idea development system.
What you'll learn:
• The principles of whole-brain ideation
• Systems and rhythms that lead to continual ideation
• How to stay out of organizational ruts

10 Ways to be more creative
Offered as: 1/2 day or Full-day session
This workshop provides a set of clear, easily applied methods
in the work environment that break down established routines. Attendees leave with a set of immediately employable tools that increase creativity, innovation and productivity.
What you'll learn:
• A platform for a thriving, idea oriented creative culture
• Courage to create and voice your opinion
• A toolkit for breaking out of creative block

Brain Cardio
Offered as: 1/2 day or Full-day session
As all professional athletes know, the key to successful performance is training. This workshop provides a wide range of participatory mind-openers that are the brain's equivalent of stretching and working out for the body. Better warm-up, better performance. Better performance, better results.
Better results, better paycheck.
What you'll learn:
• A dynamic, repeatable system that engages your entire brain and jumpstarts the creative process
• Shareable techniques for new hires

Idea Farm

Offered as: 1/2 day or Full-day session
As a seasoned Creative Director and experienced Educator, James has lead countless ideation sessions and now he brings that experience to the table to help unlock the solution to your most challenging business problems.
Have James come in and lead an ideation session to help solve your business problem du jour and by the end of the day be sure to have a bucket-full of possible solutions.

Offered as: 1/2 day or Full-day session
James's keynotes get his audiences fired-up about being creative. Through a blend of insightful real life experiences and fun engaging anecdotes, James reminds everyone that we are all born creative and simply need to take ownership of our own creative process again to be awesome at developing ideas.